Trees, Trails
and Creatures – Oct 10th & Oct 12th
Help cultivate
understanding in Lexington youth about natural history and ecology by
volunteering at The Arboretum’s annual Trees, Trails and Creatures Event!
Volunteers are welcome on Friday, October 10th from 9 a.m. – 11:30
a.m. and Sunday, October 12th from 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. to help with
educational activities, dress up as a “creature” and educate visitors about
their natural history and ecology. Volunteers are also needed to assist with
parking or to act as a “guide” to lead groups of visitors to each creature.
For more
information, feel free to contact Children’s Education Coordinator Emma
Trester-Wilson of The Arboretum: State Botanical Garden of Kentucky at
(859)257-9339 or by email.