Friday, February 14, 2014

CARE Service Leaders - March 17

CARE Service Leaders - March 17
The Office of Community Service and Civic Engagement works with a cohort of student service leader through the CARE Service Leaders. These leaders are responsible for a variety of monthly programming surrounding one social concern. Students may apply as the sole leader for a social concern or as co-leaders. A student may apply for more than one social concern portfolio, but must indicate their priority during the interview. Student leaders will receive training before beginning their leadership experience. Students may apply for this as a work study position, for internship, or simply because of their passion for their chosen service concern and desire to organize support. Students selected to participate are expected to participate in monthly meetings of the cohort. Students interested in applying to become a CARE Service Leader should complete the application found at  Applications are due Monday, March 17 at 5 pm. Interviews will be arranged after applications are received. For more information about this opportunity, contact Karen Anderson, or call 233-8182. 

Most questions in the application seem relatively straight forward, but some potential applicants have been asking about the schedule question. You do not have to include all details, just your general direction. Here is an example of what an applicant might use:

Based on your answer above, please share what programs and projects will take place by month. Please outline ideas for entire 2014-15 academic year.  You must have at least one program idea per month.

Programming Portfolio: Developmental Delay and Special Needs Population

*September - Special Olympics Volunteer Recruitment Rally: Bring 2-3 Special Olympians
                    (base ball) to campus to play campus to play catch with the baseball team.
                    Offer information and volunteer sign up to support SOKY.

                   - Begin planning and recruiting for College for Living

*October - College for Living - I will continue the College for Living as currently

                 - Jesus Prom - Actively recruit volunteers to help with this annual event held
                    held at Southland Christian Church.

*November - College for Living  continued. After final class, I will offer a group reflection
                   for all volunteers

*December - Latitudes Art Show: work with Latitudes to offer an art display and sale
                    for the holidays

*January - Work with SGA and the education department to develop a program to
              simulate  what a person with delelompental delay experiences, and ask 10
               administrators, faculty and students to do this for a day. Follow up with an
               open hour presentation for them to share their experience.

*February -  Alternative Break Weekend: students sign up to participate in a service trip
                  to volunteer at a group home in Nashville, TN

                   Begin planning and recruiting for College for Living.

*March - College for Living

*April - SHEP speaker: Bring Mr. Bradford of Kentucky's SHEP program speak to students

*May - Bluegrass Miracle League - recruitment on campus for BML volunteers.

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